Monday, January 7, 2013

Liebster Award! new bloggin' friend, Steff, has nominated me for a Liebster Award!
Day 7
It's a bloggin' award for up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers. And, seeing as how I have ONE official follower, I'm feeling pretty good! :)

There are a few rules that go come with this award:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose people and link them in your post.
4. Go tell them!
5. No tag backs.

Problem is...I am so new to the blogging world that I really haven't started following many blogs yet. Therefore, I don't have anyone to tag. So, I guess you could call me a rule-breaker. ;) I'll still do my best to answer all of the questions, though. 

11 Things About Me
1. I own my own home (with my hubs). It's our first house and we both love it so much!
2. I started grad school. Like, today. And, I am super excited about it. 
3. I have a crazy obsession with basset hounds. They are the best! I'm pretty in love with one basset, though (my Charlie!!).
4. I am discovering the amazing world of crafting/crocheting/sewing, and I couldn't be more excited about it!
5. I love Louisville (obvious, I know). It was seriously a dream come true when Adam and I moved here.
6. I have two sisters named Ashley (that's my name also, if you didn't know). 
7. I have been married to Adam for a year and half. <3
8. It is rare that I can go to the movies without consuming Sour Patch Kids. I also won't eat them until the movie has started (not during previews!).
9. I have recently started a gluten-free diet after feeling sick for over a year for no apparent reason. I'm really excited for the changes this will bring to my life. 
10. In addition to my basset, we also have two cats and a bearded-dragon.
11. I love art. I used to paint and draw all the time. I'd like to get back to that. Someday.

Questions from Steff of Iffy Inklings
1) Do you use a daily planner? If so, what kind of things do you use it for? Just work? School? To-do list?
Yes, I do! Today I added all of my upcoming assignments to my planner. I also used it to compile a Christmas card list. Sometimes I write down my work schedule, but it's in my phone calendar so it's not necessary. 

2) What is your favorite TV show on Netflix? I'm only asking this because I need new suggestions. If you don't have Netflix, it's probably a good thing.
I <3 Netflix. I'm currently watching Dawson's Creek from start to finish. I had only ever seen a few episodes. I'm kind of obsessed. I plan on watching HIMYM and Parenthood afterward. Oh, and also finishing up The Office. I'm a season behind. 

3) Bungee jumping or skydiving: which would you prefer to do?
I'm going with sky diving. Not sure why that bouncy rope is more terrifying to me than free-falling out of a plane. But, it is. So, skydiving.

4) What's a blog you would be sad to see stop writing?
Hmmm. Probably A Beautiful Mess and Today's Letters. I check them daily.

5) What are your thoughts on eggnog? I've been reading a lot about how people hate it but have never tried it. Are you in that category? 
I totally fall into that category. Never tried it. I think it sounds gross.

6) Are you sick of the word vintage like I am?
Haha, no. I don't mind it. I recently bought a coat from Target, and I constantly get stopped and asked if it's vintage (a compliment, I'm assuming). So, I kind of like that word right now. :)

7) Do you like putting things together, like bookshelves, lego kits, etc. or would you rather have someone else do it?
I don't mind putting things together, but I think I prefer to do it with someone else. I put our dresser together on my own except for a few small parts. It's always nice to have some help. Now, when it comes to legos, I prefer to do it myself. I'm always having my towers knocked down (nanny problems).

8) What is the last book you read? Yes or no: did you like it?
Gone Girl by: Gillian Flynn. I really enjoyed the book. The ending was a bit anti-climactic, though.

9) Do you keep your CDs or DVDs in the case, or do you put them in a big CD case? The hubs and I are debating our method of keeping them in their regular cases because it takes up too much room.
We keep ours in the cases on shelves in the basement. We have a T.V. room (read: man cave) down there, so they are easily available.

10) Do you use the word 'bro' at all? I find myself using it far too often.
No, not unless I'm joking around saying, "Come at me, bro." For some reason I find that fun to say. I used to say 'dude' a lot (many years ago). Now I just say 'sorry'. Way. Too. Much.

11) I can't think of another question so make up your own.

Hmmm, okay. What is your dream job?
Photographer. Easy.

Again, sorry I don't have anyone to pass this along to. But, thanks for including me! :) Perhaps I can gain some more readers soon! 


  1. So fun to read through this! So, are the sisters step-sisters or sister-in laws? Or do you just have evil parents?! What are you going to grad school for? I started Dawson's Creek and forgot about it! Now I need to go back and finish it. Also, HIMYM is amazing, so I recommend that, and I'm on the ledge with Parenthood. We watched the first season, but it's just so-so. And The Office is the best, but sadly not the last season. It's not the same without Michael! Lastly, I have Gone Girl on hold at the library and am picking it up today!!

  2. Hi! Thank you for the comment! :) Sorry for my delayed response.

    My sisters are step-sisters. One on my mom's side and one on my dad's. It makes for some interesting times! :)

    I am currently studying Applied Behavior Analysis. I'm learning a lot about behavior modification and why people (and things) behave the way they do. I previously worked as a special education teacher and ran into so many situations with not knowing how to modify behaviors my students were exhibiting. Oftentimes these behaviors interfered drastically with our learning environment, and I found myself without answers. This really bothered me (and interested me...a lot), so I decided to go back to school and learn more about it (and hopefully make a career of it as well).

    I'm still watching Dawson's Creek (and can't stop!). But, once it's over I will probably start HIMYM. Thanks for the recommendation!

    Have you started reading Gone Girl yet? What do you think??

  3. You studies sound awesome! I originally started college with the idea of being a special education teacher after being an aid in the Lifeskills class all through middle school and high school. That's not my career path anymore, but it's still interesting to me. I think what you are doing is so great and you'll be able to help so many people!

    I haven't started Gone Girl, but I plan to soon! I'm reading 'Deja Dead' by Kathy Reichs (the books the Bones TV is based off of) then I'm going to read Sarah's Key (author?) for a book club, THEN Gone Girl. I hear it's great so I'm excited to read it! I might sneak it in before the book club book though, it doesn't seem too long!
