Sunday, January 6, 2013

Game Night

Day 5: Tonight the hubs and I went over to a friend's house for dinner and card games. I was so excited because our friends planned out an entirely gluten free meal so I could enjoy everything along with them. So thoughtful (and delicious)!! It was Adam's first time trying Thai food. I'm so excited that he likes it because it opens up a whole new world for us when planning dinners. Yay!

After dinner, we played a card game called Dominion. I have to admit, when I saw the box, I was pretty apprehensive. I love playing games, but this did not look like anything I would ever even think about playing.
I was SO wrong! Never, ever, EVER judge a book by its cover, right? Sorry I'm so enthusiastic about this game -- it's 1 AM. I need sleep.
  We had so much fun coming up with new strategies to win. And, the best part was the game changed each time we played. There are several sets of cards in the game, but only a select amount are used. So, each game contained new cards with new rules. Fun, right?
We think so. We're so excited to play again. And, after all that fun, it's time for these party animals to head to bed. Goodnight! :)


  1. Mmm I love Thai food! We used to eat out all the time before I went GF and that was one of the main foods I missed. I didn't make Thai food for the first time until a couple months ago, and holy cow, it's way easier than I imagined!

  2. I'd love any recipe ideas! I've never made Thai food, but would LOVE to learn. :)

    1. The one I constantly make is Coconut Curry. Here's my recipe:
      We tried another variation last night and used chicken and a ton of cauliflower chunks. I LOVE cauliflower in it!

    2. Oh, and I nominated you for the Liebster Award. you can fill out the questions if you want, just a fun way to get to know other bloggers!
