Sunday, January 27, 2013


27/365: Guys, I think I am getting the hang of this! So excited!!

Bogged Down

Yikes! My bloggin' has definitely been placed on the back burner lately with all of this homework I've had to do. Sorry guys. To all 4 of you. And, if there are more of you reading, I would gladly apologize to you too if you'd click that little follow button down there. No? That's cool. Just thought I'd mention it.

Anyway, things have been a little hectic lately as this was a big assignment week with my classes and I also put in more hours at work than usual. So, that in turn meant less blogging. Boo. Not a fan. I'll try to be better.

21/365: Monday, I spent some time with my kiddos talking about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. They're pretty young, so the concept was hard to grasp. However, they did tell me that he was a nice man who helped people. Mission = accomplished. Then we spent some time making rainbows out of pegs. Their idea completely. I thought it was somewhat fitting. 
22/365: Adam sent me some "emo" pics of our pets. I could not stop laughing. Love my fur babies!

23/365: Made a delicious salad this night. You can find the recipe in here. And, if you don't buy the book, at least buy this dressing. It is my fave! YUM!
24/365: Today was lots and lots of studying. These cuties kept me company while I read and reviewed articles on the origins of Applied Behavior Analysis.

25/365: To treat myself for all of my studying, I headed over to Tickled Pink and purchased some new (old) canisters for our kitchen. I am absolutely in love with them (shhh -- so is Adam)! The best part, though, was when I texted my mom to show her my find, she replied that she owned the very same canisters many years ago! :)

26/365: Saturday, I woke up with a cough and a sore throat. So, I had ice cream for breakfast. It helped temporarily. 

Any other recommendations for cough/cold/runny nose? I'm loading up on vitamin c and washing/sanitizing my hands frequently. Hoping this bug goes away soon!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Where'd My Weekend Go?

20/365: Ah, Sunday night. We meet again. Why do I always have homework to do on Sunday night? I feel like Sunday gets such a bad rap. I'm always scrambling to complete whatever tasks got put off through the week, or working to get ahead for the upcoming week. Making Sunday kind of a suck-day. Boo.

Thank goodness for that adorable husband of mine, though. He's looking out for Sunday. He made me GF chocolate chip cookies for dinner tonight. Making Sunday's dinner the best this week. What a guy! :)

Here's to this week going by quickly (it's going to be a loooong one). Ready for next weekend already! Also, I'm hoping my pets will give me a shot at this grad school thing. For now, they're making things pretty difficult. Every time I sit down to read, they're right there! Ugh. So damn cute, though.
Later today... 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Catchin' Up

Playing a little catch up (this is what happens to those who procrastinate with grad school homework). Eeeek!

16/365: This is actually a video (yay?). It is also proof of my major procrastination problem.
This is my beloved basset hound, Charlie. Is he angry? Is he sleeping? I don't know. But, I love him dearly.

17/365: Love lunch breaks with my hubs. They make my life so much better!
18/365: Some pieces of my day yesterday. Nanny life is fun.

Also, Adam and I finally took some time last weekend to clean up our office. I had been wanting to put my new (old) sewing machine up there (finally!!!). It was nice to share the space with family and just enjoy it for a bit. 
Also, I miss art. This is some of my work from high school. I thought if I displayed it on my walls I might be inspired to pick up my paintbrush once in a while.

Yesterday, when Adam and I got home from work, we discovered that Charlie had destroyed some books. I thought his choice of this particular book was ironic.
 19/365: Ahh, and today. I am so ready for some hockey. The NHL has been on a lock out for almost 5 months. The puck will finally drop today. I am excited. But, not as excited as my husband. Also, we cheer for different teams, so hockey season can get kind of ugly. GO RED WINGS! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Feeling Inspired

One of my favorite blogs wrote a post on gratitude today (and does so once a week or so), and it has me inspired to do the same. So many things that I am grateful for go unmentioned and undocumented. My blog (and my 365 project) is the perfect medium to express my gratitude and thanks. 15/365:

I am grateful for our precious home in the Lou
 For my forever-loving basset hound
For a husband who supports me with everything he has
For grad school work that pushes me, and for delicious gluten-free foods and recipes that I am discovering everyday.

Feeling so fortunate, today. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Finds

13/365: This Sunday, Adam and I went to one of our favorite places in Lou. I discovered it by accident one day while perusing Facebook. It's called Tickled Pink Memorabilia Mall, and it is awesome. We have found so many great things for our home while browsing their shelves and rough room. From small trinkets for our guest room to retro cabinets for our living room, they have it all.

But, Sunday I was on the hunt for an adorable blender they had posted online. It had been posted for a few days, so I knew that chances were slim that I would still find it there. And, sure enough, it had sold earlier in the day. But, there was still plenty to see, so Adam and walked around the three floors they have to offer.

While in the basement, I stumbled across a cute, turquoise-colored box full of sewing supplies. I just happened to have received a sewing machine for Christmas this year and have yet to use it as I don't have any sewing materials (and it needs a minor repair). For 5 bucks I couldn't pass it up. Adam agreed it was a good deal and a nice treat for me. So, shortly after we left with my new (old) sewing kit in tow.  And, I am in love! Now my sewing machine won't be so lonely.
 It came packed full of fun sewing supplies that I can't wait to use. :)
 Of course, the animals couldn't resist my new purchases either. Especially Gatsby. He just had to have a closer look.
 So, I couldn't leave out the rest of my babies. They get very moody about that sort of thing.

14/365: As for today, I had a relaxing day off and spent what little time I could with my handsome hubby (Mondays are hockey night).
Love this man. So, so much.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Weekend at Home

11/365: So, this weekend was our first weekend at home, just the two of us, in a while. It has been so nice and relaxing. Friday after work, Adam and I ate a quick dinner and then went to see a movie. I can't believe it, but I agreed to see The Hobbit. Anyone who knows me knows that this is sooooo not my type of movie. I have never really been gripped by the fantasy films. Although, as I type this I realize that Wizard of OZ and E.T. are two of my faves. But, that's different, right? Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Twilight...those are movies that don't really interest me much. At least, I didn't think so.
I liked it. Like, really enjoyed all 2 hours and 45 minutes of it. I couldn't believe it! I am actually excited to see LOTR now (shhhh, haven't shared that with the hubs, yet). Also, I didn't eat the entire bag of Sour Patch Kids like I did at our last movie. So, that was another plus. 

12/365:  Today, my husband got up and made me some GF waffles. I added some frozen berries to them and they were delish! I couldn't even finish one! 
Adam's so sweet with his waffle maker. Fun fact: I gifted him the waffle maker for his 22nd birthday.
What a cutie! :) Also, now that I think about it, what a weird gift for a 22 year-old. His face kinda says, " A wafflemaker. That will go great with my new bass guitar and metal CDs. You know me so well." 

I guess I must have done something right. I mean, he did ask me to marry him. He looks much more excited here: 
Yes, that's much better. 

Anyway, the rest of my Saturday consisted of running errands, football, and making dinners that remind me of my childhood. Tonight, I had GF macaroni and cheese AND chicken nuggets! 
Not the healthiest of dinners, I know, but when you are new to the GF world and discover breaded chicken nuggets youdonotpassthemup. You just don't.  They weren't bad (read: edible), but when you are craving some old school food, it does the trick.

Now for a full night of sleep and relaxing Sunday! Goodnight!