Wednesday, January 2, 2013

GF...On the Road

I don't think this gluten-intolerance could have happened to a worse person. That sounds like a complaint -- it's not. I promise. I think it'll be really good for me. But, more on that later.

I hate confrontation. Hate it. I sometimes imagine myself as Steve Carrell in 40-year-old Virgin whenever he has to do something unsettling. Sweaty palms, quiet voice, darting eyes. I'm sure this isn't how I appear, just how I feel. I don't like causing issues or problems (or things that I perceive as issues or problems). Few things make me more uncomfortable. So, on a road trip home we decided to stop at Jimmy John's for lunch, and I got that uneasy feeling. Yes, I had Googled plenty of gluten-free options. Yes, there were several things for me to eat. But, there is always a risk of cross contamination. New gloves and spatulas would be a must and I was going to have to request them. 

"Maybe I'll be okay with just getting an unwich and not asking for new spatulas," I suggested to my husband. 

"Ashley, you're asking for them. You have to. You've got to get better about this."

Have I mentioned how much I love my husband? Always pushing me to better myself. I truly appreciate it (although, in this moment it made me want to hide in the car and let him make the request for me).

As we approached the counter, Adam ordered first. Then, it was on me.

"Hi (I smiled way too big, trying to make up for my obnoxious request). Can I get a Turkey Tom…unwich, please? And, um, sorry about this, but could you please use a different spatula that hasn't touched any bread? I'm sorry, I have this allergy thing…" I kind of put my hands in the air as if to say, I don't know (which I don't -- I have no clue what I'm doing). 

"Sure, no problem. We'll hook you up," the cashier reassures me. She turns to the kid manning the sandwich counter and tells him to get a new spatula and new gloves (I had forgotten to ask!) to make my unwich. I resist the urge to watch them make it. I probably should have watched, but this was enough "trouble-causing" for me. I walk to the restroom to wash my hands. When I return, my unwich is waiting for me at the table along with my smiling husband. Make-believe confrontation over.
Truth be told, the whole situation wasn't so bad. I know I'm a bit neurotic about these things. I also know it's a restaurant's job to tend to a customer's needs and provide quality service (which they did very well). I just need to remind myself that my health is not an inconvenience (mine or anyone else's). Oh, and for the record, my unwich was quite tasty. And, more importantly, it didn't make me sick. :)


  1. Ugh, I know exactly how you feel! I was the kind of person who would just eat with a dirty fork if I dropped in on the floor because I was too afraid to ask for a new one! My husband is like yours, though, and would push me. It was way hard at first to explain everything to people (and then sometimes explain it two or three more time until they understood that gluten was flour, not sugar!) but now, after four years, it's nothing and I have my little spiel down. After a couple of cross contamination incidents, I've realized like you that I need to be good about it because it's my health and ego! It's quite embarrassing to be sick on a road trip. There are still times when I don't like to make a big deal about it, but most of the time it's pretty easy for me.

    So do you have celiac disease? How long have you been gf for? I hope you don't mind random followers either! =)

    1. Hey! Thanks for the comment! I am really looking forward to things getting a little easier as I learn my way around everything GF. :)

      I am not diagnosed as Celiac (my blood test came back negative, but my dr. told me false negs are pretty common). I strongly believe I just have a gluten intolerance (diagnosing this is crazy expensive from what I've read, so I'm going with my gut <--Haha). I have been on a GF diet for about 3 weeks now. Not completely GF during that time, though (by accident). I'm slowly getting better about finding hidden gluten. My husband and I are not eating dinner out for the month of January, so that has made things easier.

      Thanks for the follow! :)

    2. Whenever someone says they're going to get tested for anything gluten related, I just tell them to skip it and go on the diet instead! There's no reason to; most people can tell a difference without spending extra money! Well welcome to the GF world!
