Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What I've Been Up to Lately

84/365: Watching my husband attempt to dig our car out of my parents' driveway. We ended up needing a few extra sets of hands. Thank goodness for friendly neighbors.

85/365: My dog is amazing.

87/365: Jimmy John's is so good to me. Unwich = Gluten free happiness.

88/365: Birthday present to my hubs. Awesome concert! Joshua James is good to his fans!

 89/365: Saying good-bye to my sweet puppy before we leave for Detroit, Michigan. Also, doing homework. Always doing homework.
90/365: My favorite place in Detroit is Joe Louis Arena. Thanks to our amazing friend, Terry, we got to tour the locker room, walk out on the ice, and see Gordie Howe on his birthday! What a weekend! Still can't believe it. 

 91/365: Rediscovered this picture of Adam from when we first started dating.

92/365: Ruben, rug surfing through the dining room. 

93/365: Trying to do homework at my house is a joke. 

94/365: Watching the hubs play some hockey.

95/365: Celebrating warmer days by opening the windows.

96/365: First time using the mixer for some gluten free goodness.

97/365: The sunbathing basset is never satisfied.

98/365: Enjoying our first Bats game of the season at Louisville Slugger Field

 99/365: New book from Sojourn Community Church.
100/365: Reunited with my front porch. So happy (and the pets, too).

101/365: Charlie after a nice walk.

102/365: Duncan doing a little cactus surfing.

103/365: This guy following me everywhere.

104/365: Love finding new (and delicious) gluten free snacks!

105/365: Rainbow after a storm...

...followed by the most delicious burger I have ever tasted.

106/365: The most ornery cat I've ever met. I took him for a walk once and now he spends his days trying to figure out how to get back outside.

Sorry for my major absence. 365 Projects are hard work! :) I'm getting excited as my first semester of grad school comes to a close. Although, I will be starting right back up with two summer classes. I need a nap just thinking about it. ;)

What have you been up to lately?