Sunday, January 20, 2013

Where'd My Weekend Go?

20/365: Ah, Sunday night. We meet again. Why do I always have homework to do on Sunday night? I feel like Sunday gets such a bad rap. I'm always scrambling to complete whatever tasks got put off through the week, or working to get ahead for the upcoming week. Making Sunday kind of a suck-day. Boo.

Thank goodness for that adorable husband of mine, though. He's looking out for Sunday. He made me GF chocolate chip cookies for dinner tonight. Making Sunday's dinner the best this week. What a guy! :)

Here's to this week going by quickly (it's going to be a loooong one). Ready for next weekend already! Also, I'm hoping my pets will give me a shot at this grad school thing. For now, they're making things pretty difficult. Every time I sit down to read, they're right there! Ugh. So damn cute, though.
Later today... 

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