Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lazy Sunday

Today has been a very slooooow Sunday. And for that, I am grateful. I needed a slow day. After a week of having guests plus a Saturday with friends, it was difficult to get me to leave my bed this morning (errr, afternoon).
Day 6: After we finally got up, Adam and I watched the Colts play in their first (and last) playoff game. While the Colts didn't play so well today, it was difficult to be too disappointed in them as they had a terrific season, all things considered. Also, the NHL lockout ended today. So, hopefully I can see my beloved Red Wings in action again real soon. Okay, enough about sports.

Tomorrow is a very big day (another reason I am thankful for the extra rest). Adam starts his new job and I begin grad school. Isn't being an adult fun?! :) We're both so nervous. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us!

Speaking of future, I foresee some tasty dinners coming our way. I'm getting really excited to learn new recipes! Going GF is somewhat of a blessing in disguise. I'm so much more inspired in the kitchen! I want to try so many new things. It's really strange the things that get you motivated, huh?

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