Saturday, January 19, 2013

Catchin' Up

Playing a little catch up (this is what happens to those who procrastinate with grad school homework). Eeeek!

16/365: This is actually a video (yay?). It is also proof of my major procrastination problem.
This is my beloved basset hound, Charlie. Is he angry? Is he sleeping? I don't know. But, I love him dearly.

17/365: Love lunch breaks with my hubs. They make my life so much better!
18/365: Some pieces of my day yesterday. Nanny life is fun.

Also, Adam and I finally took some time last weekend to clean up our office. I had been wanting to put my new (old) sewing machine up there (finally!!!). It was nice to share the space with family and just enjoy it for a bit. 
Also, I miss art. This is some of my work from high school. I thought if I displayed it on my walls I might be inspired to pick up my paintbrush once in a while.

Yesterday, when Adam and I got home from work, we discovered that Charlie had destroyed some books. I thought his choice of this particular book was ironic.
 19/365: Ahh, and today. I am so ready for some hockey. The NHL has been on a lock out for almost 5 months. The puck will finally drop today. I am excited. But, not as excited as my husband. Also, we cheer for different teams, so hockey season can get kind of ugly. GO RED WINGS! 

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