Saturday, January 12, 2013

Weekend at Home

11/365: So, this weekend was our first weekend at home, just the two of us, in a while. It has been so nice and relaxing. Friday after work, Adam and I ate a quick dinner and then went to see a movie. I can't believe it, but I agreed to see The Hobbit. Anyone who knows me knows that this is sooooo not my type of movie. I have never really been gripped by the fantasy films. Although, as I type this I realize that Wizard of OZ and E.T. are two of my faves. But, that's different, right? Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Twilight...those are movies that don't really interest me much. At least, I didn't think so.
I liked it. Like, really enjoyed all 2 hours and 45 minutes of it. I couldn't believe it! I am actually excited to see LOTR now (shhhh, haven't shared that with the hubs, yet). Also, I didn't eat the entire bag of Sour Patch Kids like I did at our last movie. So, that was another plus. 

12/365:  Today, my husband got up and made me some GF waffles. I added some frozen berries to them and they were delish! I couldn't even finish one! 
Adam's so sweet with his waffle maker. Fun fact: I gifted him the waffle maker for his 22nd birthday.
What a cutie! :) Also, now that I think about it, what a weird gift for a 22 year-old. His face kinda says, " A wafflemaker. That will go great with my new bass guitar and metal CDs. You know me so well." 

I guess I must have done something right. I mean, he did ask me to marry him. He looks much more excited here: 
Yes, that's much better. 

Anyway, the rest of my Saturday consisted of running errands, football, and making dinners that remind me of my childhood. Tonight, I had GF macaroni and cheese AND chicken nuggets! 
Not the healthiest of dinners, I know, but when you are new to the GF world and discover breaded chicken nuggets youdonotpassthemup. You just don't.  They weren't bad (read: edible), but when you are craving some old school food, it does the trick.

Now for a full night of sleep and relaxing Sunday! Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. When I was GF at first, I really missed Kraft mac & cheese, ya know the boxed kind? And then I discovered the cheese part was gluten free! So i'd buy a box, throw out the noodles, and carefully wipe off the package (so i don't cross contaminate) and put it over GF noodles! So awful, but so delicious haha I don't eat it anymore, but it was great for the 'withdrawals'!

    Those waffles look great!
