Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Feeling Inspired

One of my favorite blogs wrote a post on gratitude today (and does so once a week or so), and it has me inspired to do the same. So many things that I am grateful for go unmentioned and undocumented. My blog (and my 365 project) is the perfect medium to express my gratitude and thanks. 15/365:

I am grateful for our precious home in the Lou
 For my forever-loving basset hound
For a husband who supports me with everything he has
For grad school work that pushes me, and for delicious gluten-free foods and recipes that I am discovering everyday.

Feeling so fortunate, today. 


  1. SUCH a cute house! Even my husband said, 'Oh, that's a cute house,' when he walked by the computer. =)

    And just now my husband realized we had the same bowls!

  2. Thank you so much! We are a tad obsessed with our house around here! ;) Also, I love our bowls! My grandma had them when I was growing up. One day, Adam and I were at Goodwill and I saw them on the shelf. I had to have them! :)
