Sunday, January 27, 2013


27/365: Guys, I think I am getting the hang of this! So excited!!


  1. Woohoo! If you have it in your area, try Cadia past or Tinkyada! Cadia is the BEST pasta I have tasted and Tinkyada is a close second. You'll soon find that rice pasta can get slimy/fall apart/get hard easily and these two brands are the closest ones that act like regular pasta! Also, if you like ice cream sandwiches, buy some Pamela's brownie (maybe cake?) mix and on the side of the package is a recipe for cookies. Make cookies, freeze them for an hour or so, then spoon on ice cream and freeze again. So yummy!

  2. Hey Steff! Thanks for the comment, and sorry for my super-late reply. I haven't seen Cadia or Tinkyada yet, but I will keep looking. And, I LOVE ice cream sandwiches. This baking/freezing/consuming must happen soon! Thanks so much! :)
